
The Woes of the Western Woman in Japan 在日ウエスタン・ウーマンの悩み

The ‘western woman’ – what does that mean?

I am often referred to as one although technically I am a little too antipodean to actually be named as western.

New Zealand is definitely not west of Japan, in fact it couldn’t be further from it.
母国 であるニュージーランドは明らかに日本の西に位置しないし、はるか遠くでもありません。

I am also often mistaken for being American and I guess it’s the white thing.

That does not really bother me, most things don’t, and living in Japan has been for me for the most part a truly interesting, stimulating, albeit sometimes frustrating ride.

Living in Japan, and especially Tokyo has been very easy overall, something that many a fellow foreigner has concurred on.

Japan is an easy place to live, work and travel around in, and is generally speaking a damn sight safer than the majority of other countries.
日本は全般的に住んだり、働いたり、また旅行もしやすいですし、世界の大多数の 国々よりも安全です。

With living anywhere outside of one’s home country there are always trials and tribulations coupled with the delights and pleasures of being somewhere so new and different. 

In the case of Japan perhaps there is nowhere else that resembles it in the slightest; it had been cut off from the rest of the world and so thus remained homogenous for thousands of years.         
しかし日本の場合は、世界から隔離さ れ、何千年も単一民族として生き残ってきました。おそらくどこと比べても似たような国はないでしょう。

But what is specific to living here as a foreign woman and how does that present difficulties?    
しかし、ここに住む外国人女性として何か特別なこと は、そして、直面する困難はあるのでしょうか。

For me personally, the biggest problem I had when I first came here was trying to buy clothes.                                            

Most clothing stores here do not cater to the larger lady, especially the foreign larger lady, and trying in particular to buy women’s shoes here was simply impossible when I first arrived.  
どのお店でも大きいサイズ、特に外国人用の大きいサイズを扱っていません。特に、女 性用の靴に関してはほとんど見つかりません。

Being 5’10” (178cm) and having the correspondingly sized feet, girly shoes were simply out of the question;           
私は5フィート10インチ(178cm)で、それ相応のサイズの足をしていますが、女の子らしい靴はまったく 見あたりませんでした。
that was however until I found with wonderful relief through a Japanese friend, the delightful world of Tulsa Time      
 – a shoe shop that caters to the larger-footed lady and has women’s dress and casual shoes going up to size 28.
ここは大柄な女性専用の靴店で、28サイズまで のドレスシューズやカジュアルシューズをそろえています。

The other main problem was shirts and brassieres.

The shirts were oftentimes too short in the sleeves, and there simply was not enough room in the bust area to really allow for a bust.    

The baffling thing about a lot of brassieres in Japan is that even in the largest sizes they are padded      
日本のブラジャーに関して不可解なことは、大きなサイズ のものにもパッドが付いていることです。
– what is that all about?                                            

If a woman is already bountiful in those particular feminine proportions, why on earth would she want or need to add to it? 
女性がすでに女性らしいプロポーションをしているとすれば、なぜそれに足し たがったり、あるいは足す必要があるのでしょうか?

I am, as previously mentioned, somewhat taller than the average Japanese woman – and Japanese man for that matter    
 – and am in relative proportion, but even I cannot find a Japanese brassiere that fits.
それ相応のプロポーションで すが、それでも私にあった日本のブラジャーを見付けることがまだできません。

While a large number of foreign men at home are merely average or indeed below average when it comes to the successful world of women and dating, upon landing in the world of Japan they instantly become sexy stud muffins and Japanese women flock to them in droves.                            

They are soon then from their arrival (one to two days maximum) to be seen with a young(er) highly attractive and equally fashionable Japanese woman, the new girlfriend.

Foreign women here struggle to compete with their much smaller Japanese equivalents.

When I first came here I felt like a giant hippopotamus, but luckily soon I got over myself, and Japanese men in comparison seem either scared of the foreign lady .
最初に日本へ来たとき私は巨大なカバのように感じましたが、運よくすぐに乗 り越えられました。日本人男性は外国人女性を恐れているようです。
(well let’s face it, many of them tower over the poor chaps),
or disinterested in such a larger-than-life girl
そんな大きな女性に興味 がないようです。

From a foreign woman’s point of view, Japanese men, while cool, trendy and good-looking with fabulous hair are, compared to the boys back home, sometimes a little too trendy and fashionable, and let’s also face it
外国人女性の観点からすると、自国の男性と比べると日本人男性はかっこよく、トレンディーで素敵なヘアスタイル、それにいい顔立ちをして います。時には超トレンディーでファッショナブルすぎます。現実を見つめてみましょう。
– how many women enjoy being with a man who is shorter, slimmer or prettier than they are? 
何人の女性が自分より背が低く、スリムで可愛らしい男性と一緒にい て楽しいと思うでしょうか?

Sex and size aside, there is a perception that some foreign female friends have commented on, that foreign women here are also expected to act and behave just as Japanese women do

Whether it be working with a Japanese boss, or dealing with students, colleagues or clients, the expectations or lack of expectations can be frustrating and irksome.

I have been in several situations where I have had to act or perform in a particular girly/kawaii (or other) way, which really is not my style, but I have grinned and bore it anyway.
自分の性格 でないような可愛い少女を演じなければならなかったこともありました。それは私のスタイルではなかったのですが、とにかくにやりと笑って堪えました。

I have been to family homes and seen the demure and subservient way that the wife and daughter react to the husband and father of the home but did not and do not follow suit.

My relationship with my father and with men in general is one full of respect and in regards to my father deep love, but I am not his maid nor subordinate.      
私の 父親や一般的に男性との関係では、相手を全面的に尊重します。父親には深い愛情を持っていますが、私は父のメイドでも家来でもありません。

Problems and annoyances aside, for the average foreign woman like me, she is here because she wants to be.  

Someone once said that if you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen.
熱さに耐えられないなら台所から出ていけという言葉がありま す。

There is nothing more irritating and inane than a foreigner living in Japan who continues to negatively and incessantly criticize Japan and its people.                       

That to me is such a hypocritical waste of time and energy, if you don’t like or love living here, the latter being my case, then leave
それは私にとって時間 とエネルギーの無駄です。 もしここに住むのが嫌なら出て行きなさい。誰も止めません。
– no one is stopping you.                         

Japan is a truly unique, fascinating and beautiful place to live in, full of daily delights and experiences, and for the majority of foreigners and foreign women alike I am certain that they see things in a similar fashion.    
日本は本当にユニークで、魅力的で、美しく、毎日楽しくいろいろ経験しながら生活できる場所です。大半の女性も含めた外国人が同じような視点で見ていると、私は確信していま す。

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