
Angry foreigner sick of racist Japanese Journalism 人種差別の日本のジャーナリズムに怒る外国人

                                        (Hiragana Times article edited to be more reader friendly)
Today I read a headline in the Mainichi Shinbun Online that stated
‘Shoplifting foreigner struck dead by train while escaping.'
Why did they specify it was a foreigner?
The point of the article is that a thief was hit by a train,
in some rare kind of divine justice.
The fact that he is a foreigner is totally irrelevant.
In fact, by saying "he was a foreigner," the newspaper is just reinforcing the stereotype Japanese have that foreigners cause most of the crime in Japan.
日本での犯罪の多くは外国人により 起こされているとの思いが日本人にはある。新聞が外国人だと書くことにより、日本人が外国人に抱いているステレオタイプを助長する。
I am tired of seeing this kind of unnecessary racist writing.
このような人種差別的 な書き方に私は嫌気がさしている。
In the UK thirty or more years ago, newspapers often wrote in this style.
But these days, newspapers understand that it is racist,
しかし、最近は新聞がそれらを人種差別であるとの見方をする ようになった。
so they do not specify the skin color or nationality unless it is relevant.
So in a UK newspaper, the headline above would be "Shoplifter struck dead by train while escaping."
Of course, they also understand that if a dangerous and violent criminal is "on the loose" in some small community,
もち ろん、凶暴な犯罪者が小さな地域でうろついている状況の場合、
then it is relevant to describe their skin color and general appearance.

I wish the Japanese newspapers would catch up with this way of thinking.

But of course it is not only newspapers that do this.

When regular people say things like "my friend Adam, from France ..." "I saw this black guy on the train ..." or they are also subconsciously perpetrating stereotypes.

Let's just keep to the point of the story, instead of dwelling on what nationality or race people are


1 件のコメント:

  1. More polemic facts, if you have them,of course.Great article,I like that line of reports.
