
Japan’s Flexible Display Technologies 曲面を実現したディスプレイ

With giant video display monitors  in Shibuya, Flat Screen TVs in many storefronts and the proliferation  of high resolution cell phone cameras, daily life in Japan is replete  with continuous imagery.           


Advanced Japanese technology plays an essential role in making all  of this possible.

Located  in Odaiba, Tokyo, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) will be newly exhibiting a giant, spherical video monitor.

Named Geo- Cosmos, it has a diameter  of approximately 6 meters and will be suspended from the ceiling, hanging from the sixth to the first floor.                  
名前はジオ・コスモスといいます。その直径は約6 メートルで、1階から6階まで吹き抜けの天井から吊り下げられています。

On it will be shown images of the earth taken from outer space as well as various other data collected in observation of our planet.

“This display was born from director and astronaut Mohri Mamoru’s idea,” explains Operational Division member Jingu Rie.

“Our director says that he was moved when he saw Earth shining out there in dark space and remarked to himself that, ‘There are living beings there.’             「館長は、真っ黒い宇宙の中で輝いている地球を見たとき、『ああ、そこに生き物がいる』と感動したのだそうです。』と感動したのだそうです。

His desire was then to ‘share images  of the earth as seen from outer space’” she says.

Weighing roughly 14 tons, Geo-Cosmos is made mainly of aluminum.            
ジオ・コスモスは重さが約14 トンあります。

Its surface is covered  by 10,362 organic electroluminescent (OEL) tiles, each measuring 96 mm squared and placed just 3 mm apart.
主な素材はアルミで、表には四角い有機EL(電圧をかけると発光する物質を利用したディスプレイ)のパネルが10,362 枚貼られています。1 つのパネルは直径96 ミリで、パネルとパネルとの間は3 ミリです。

Its total resolution is more than 10 million pixels.         
画素は全体で1,000 万画素以上です。

“Upon Geo-Cosmos viewers can see that the earth is boundless.

We will also show simulated images of the planet’s changes due to global-warming.

We hope people will become more aware of earth’s current reality and think more seriously about its future,” says Jingu.

In the departure area of Osaka’s Kansai International Airport there is another large video display monitor measuring 3 meters long by 4 meters high.
関西国際空港(大阪府)の出国エリアにも、縦4 メートル、横3 メートルの大きなディスプレイが置かれています。これはフィルム型のディスプレイで、厚さが1 ミリしかありません。

With a thickness  of only 1 mm, this film-type monitor is unidirectional, and can be placed in many different positions, such as being wrapped around a pillar as a digital sign board.                  
そのため、一方向にある程度曲げることができます。直径1 メートルの柱に巻きつけてデジタルサイネージ(画像の看板)に使えますし、

Furthermore, it is easily portable.                   

The company that developed Shipla, the Shinoda Plasma Co., Ltd., is located in Kobe’s Hyogo Prefecture.       
このディスプレイ、Shipla をつくったのは、神戸市(兵庫県)の篠田プラズマ株式会社です。

To do so, they lined 1 mm glass tubing with electrode-embedded film through which emanate red, blue and green colors, creating an extremely thin display surface.           
直径1 ミリのガラスチューブを並べ、電極付きのフィルムで挟み、それぞれ赤、青、緑の3 色に光らせることによって、薄さを実現しました。

“We came up with this idea in 1998 and acquired the basic technology  in 2003, but it was difficult to make tubularly-even structure,” explains Director Ishimoto  Manabu.     
1998 年にアイディアを思いついて、基本の技術は2003 年にはできたのですが、ガラスチューブの中に、均一に構造をつくることがとても難しかったですね」と、取締役の石本学さんは説明します。

“Since there has never before been a way to display images  on a bendable surface, people are  in awe when they first see it,” he says.

“People who have seen our flexible display remark that, ‘It looks as though the images are being displayed from  within a transparent pillar.’”          

While Geo-Cosmos uses small, flat tiles, Shipla’s uses a shaved panel to realize its flexible display.
ジオ・コスモスは平たくて小さなパネルを並べて、Shipla は薄型化によって、曲げられるディスプレイを実現しました。

So, in shapeable display monitors you not only find high-tech gadgetry, but also an infusion of the technician’s spirit.  

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