
Let’s Enjoy Japanese-English ジャパニーズ・イングリッシュを楽しもう

(Hiragana times article edited to be more reader friendly)
‘Japanese-English’ is a phenomena that has invaded all levels and encompasses all walks of Japanese life, from bags and packaging to advertising, buildings, Japanese pop music, and particularly clothing.
 I remember with slight uneasiness my first really good example of Japanese-English.
This particular case was on a 12-year-old girl’s t-shirt,
which was trying to state her love for pussycats,
but failed to include the ‘cat’ part.
 I have had one occasion where I have seen something so dirty
that I had been forced to go up to the person in question – in a funky café in Harajuku –
and actually ask the guy if he realized just how horrific and descriptive his jacket was in its telling of doing things of a sexual nature to his mother.
そして、彼のジャケットに書かれてい ることがどんなにぞっとすることか、自分の母親へ性的なことをする行為だということがわかっているのか、その男性に聞いたことがあります。
The ‘KinKi Kids,’ are a J-pop duo that make me laugh (music aside),
they are certainly not kids either, grown men in fact,
and have a rather unfortunate name when it’s put into English, even though in Japanese the word kinki refers to the western region of Japan they come from.
日本語で「キンキ(近 畿)」は彼らの出身である日本の関西地区を意味しますが、英語に直すとかなり不幸な名前になります。(kinky = 変態の)
Other brand names such as the milk powder “Creap,” make me laugh.
I would have thought, stupidly perhaps, that when a Japanese company went about deciding on a brand name using English they would firstly check out possible meanings, or closely related meanings.
 I asked a friend why people in charge of advertising wouldn’t actually want the English used to be correct to give their product more credibility.
He said that the reason was that a culture of Japanese-English exists because it was never meant to be correct.
彼は、それは、正しい意味であ る必要のないジャパニーズ・イングリッシュの文化が存在するからだと言いました。
It is an accepted Japanese re-creation to the point of being distinctively part of Japanese culture that often makes things easier to express with one or two random words in English superimposed between the lines of Japanese.
それは日本語の間に一つか二つの適当な英単語を入れてわかりやすく表現す る日本の文化として受け入れられているというのです。
As the majority of Japanese people do not recognize its mistakes,
nor more importantly care,
it will continue to prosper in all mediums.
これ からもメディアでどんどん使われるでしょう。
On the flipside,
I have also seen some pretty equally alarming slights made by foreigners wearing faux Japanese kanji t-shirts and other garments.
One friend in my first year here was walking around Shibuya
私の来日一年目 に、外国人の友達の一人が渋谷を歩いていると、
getting loads of dirty looks
and finally a kind man had the courage to come up to him
とうとう親切な男性が勇気を出して彼のところへ やってきて、
and ask him if he knew what his delightful kanji t-shirt expressed.
He had not a clue in the world
and was slightly frazzled to learn that it said he ‘slept with dogs and loved it.’
「僕は犬と寝て、 とってもよかった」と書かれていたと知り、彼の心は少し混乱しました。
It was a t-shirt that never again saw the light of day in Japan.
I have also heard an urban legend about a man in Shinjuku who sells fun kanji t-shirts catering to the foreign demographic
telling them it says something like ‘I came to Japan and all my wife bought me was this lousy t-shirt,’
彼は、「私は日本に来ましたが、妻が私に買ってく れたものは、このひどいTシャツだけだ」とTシャツに書いてあると言っていましたが、
when in fact they apparently read ‘Fat American Tourist.’
I guess for many, (excluding perhaps my poor friend who does not enjoy sleeping with dogs), ignorance is bliss.
みんなに とっては(たぶん犬と寝るのがいやな、かわいそうな私の友達を除いて)、知らぬが仏だと私は思います。
Adaptation and vernacular forms continue to multiply,
in America many have classified African-American English into its own language and termed it Ebonics.
 アメリカでは、アフリカン・アメリカン・イングリッシュを独自の言語として分類し、エボニックスと名付け ています。
Japanese-English sometimes appears that way,
but it’s also oftentimes benignly cute and entertaining,
and we all need a laugh sometimes.

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