Many foreigners who visit Japan have an interest in some aspects of Japanese culture, whether it be sumo or sake, bonsai or geisha.
日本を訪れる外国人の多くはいくつかの日本文化に興味を抱く。相撲、酒、 盆栽、芸者などだ。
However, not much is known about Zen, a philosophy that is gaining popularity worldwide and said to be at the heart of Japanese culture.
しかし、禅についてはあまり知られていない。世界的に人気を得ている哲学で、日本文化の心といわ れている。
While Zen has created an original culture in architecture, cuisine, calligraphy, painting, haiku and other arts, it is most obviously evident in the tea ceremony.
禅は建築、料理、書画、絵画、俳句や他の芸術に独自の文化を創ってきたが、その顕著な例は茶の湯といえよ う。
Everything is as it Is
The heart of Zen, if put into words, amounts to "everything is as it is."
Many events occur in our lives, both good and bad.
人生にはさまざまなことが起こる。良いこ とも悪いこともある。
Zen advocates that one has to accept all these feelings as they are.
For example, say you have a sore stomach and you think it may be cancer.
Through Zen rationale, the result will be unchanged whether you worry or not.
The situation literally is as it is.
However, intellectual comprehension of this philosophy does not prevent humans from naturally worrying.
Zen deals with this contradiction through the maxim that if you want to worry, go ahead and worry.
禅ではこの矛盾を、悩みたけれ ば悩みなさいという究極の言葉で答える。
This is the only practical solution to the dichotomy.
As you worry, you may come to see yourself objectively and gain understanding of your situation.
悩む自分を客観的 に見つめ、自分が置かれている現実を悟るのである。
Zen is said to be a path to satori, a state of intellectual enlightenment.
禅は人間の真理、つまり悟りに導く手段といえる が、
However, considering satori to be the end of the road is also viewed askance.
Even the most distinguished person has faults and blemishes.
Lust to drink, hopes for longevity -
酒を飲みたい、長 生きしたいなど、
we each have our own desires.
Zen explains that returning from the world of satori, one had to live in the strata of everyday life.
To struggle with life is the natural lot of human beings.
Zen originated in India, was cultivated in China and reached fruition in Japan.
禅はインドで生まれ、中国で育ち、日本で開花 した。
While Zen could be called a religion, with no deity to worship, a philosophy would probably be a more accurate description.
Although no longer widely practiced in India and China, it is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture.
今ではインドや中国 ではあまり実践されていないが、日本文化には深く根付いている。
Many men and women from everyday walks of life, young and old alike, visit Zen temples for short retreats in pursuit of peace of mind.
多くの老若男女が、日常の生活から離れ、一時の心の 安らぎを求めて、禅寺を訪れている。
Zen meditation - a unique offering from Kyoto to the World
禅瞑想―京都 から世界へユニークな発信
Kyoto resident John Einarsen's recently published book "Zen and Kyoto" takes readers on an armchair ride through Zen culture in Kyoto. 京都に住むジョン・アイナーセンさんが最近出版した本「禅と京都」は、京都の禅文化を手軽に一通り案内し てくれる。
This bilingual guide to Zen describes in detail the history of Zen, temples, gardens, words, and practical tips for practicing Zazen (seated meditation).
Descriptions of how Zen has been integrated into various aspects of Japanese culture such as kendo, tea and haiku, are also included.
禅が 剣道や茶の湯、俳句などの日本文化にどのようにして融合しているかなどの説明もある。
What was it about Zen that captured John's interest? ジョンさんが禅の魅力に取りつかせたものは何なのか。
"I was attracted by Zen aesthetics, and still am," he says.
"Spontaneity, tranquility, silence, simplicity, naturalness, freedom, profound mystery.
「自発性、静寂、沈黙、 質素、自然さ、自由、奥深い神秘。
Many people are attracted to Zen because it offers an alternative to Western ways of thought that have lost meaning and connectedness to the real world.
多くの人が禅に惹かれます。現 実の世界とのかかわりを見失った西洋的考えにもう一つの考えをもたらしてくれるからです。
Certainly the world is now full of unthinking reactions, agendas, greed, fear - Zen cuts through all that.”
世界は確かに思いもよらない反応、もくろみ、欲、恐怖に満ちてい ますが、禅はそれらすべてを絶ち切ってくれます」。
Zen, John believes, is deeply connected to being sincerely open-hearted to what is in front of you now.
禅は、今あなたの前にあるものに誠実に心を開くことと、おおいに関係があると ジョンさんは信じている。
After having practiced Zen at a Soto Zen temple in Hokkaido, he believes Zen meditation is something unique that the city of Kyoto can offer visitors.
北海道の曹洞宗の禅寺で修業経験をしたが、禅瞑想は京都市が訪問者に提供できる、とてもユ ニークなものと信じている。
"The city and temples could do more to develop this as a more meaningful kind of "tourism" (provide meditation seminars and cheap housing for young people, for example).
「市とお寺は、これをより意義のある観光として、もっと発展させることができるはずです (たとえば、瞑想セミナーや若者の安い宿泊所などに活用するなど)。
This would be a meaningful cross-cultural experience," he says.
これは意義のある異文化体験になると思います」 と、ジョンさん。
What motivated John to write "Zen and Kyoto" -
ジョンさんが「禅と京都」について書く動機はなんだったの か?
"There is so much Buddhist culture here that all the sects and their differences tend to blur into each other, and the result is confusion for the visitor," he says.
"This book is a way of setting one group of temples apart and focusing on what they are about - their priests, history, architecture and art."
「この本は、寺院を選び出して、僧侶、歴史、建築、 芸術などに焦点をあてています」。
"I believe Kyoto is a very special place." he says. 「京都はとて も特別な場所だと思います」とジョンさん。
"Its history and culture attract people interested in philosophy and the arts from all over the world, so it is a kind of crossroads.
「その歴史や文化は哲学や芸術に興味を抱く世界中の人を惹きつけます。一 種の十字路の役目を果たしています。
Kyoto is small and informal, and so it is easy to meet people.
A simple walk through a temple complex or time spent on an engawa (verandah) overlooking a garden with a friend has a way of stimulating the mind.
お寺の境内を単に歩いたり 、友達と庭園を眺めながら縁側で一時を過ごしたりすることは、心に刺激を与えます。
It is a very engaging environment, but without the speed, faceless crowds, and pushiness of a big city."
そこには大都市が持つスピードも 、混雑も、強制もなく、とても魅力的な環境です」。
"One of the greatest developments in the history of Japan was when Zen took root in Kyoto in the 1200s.
「日本の歴史の中で大発展を遂げた一つは、1200年代に禅が京都に根を下 ろしたときです。
It was to influence Japanese culture for the next 800 years.
One of the great religious developments of our time has been the transmission of Zen (and other Buddhist sects) to the West during the last half of the 20th century.
私たちの時代の大きな宗教的発展の一つは、20世紀の 後半に禅(及び仏教の他の宗派)が西洋に伝導されたことでしょう。
The great Zen temples in Kyoto are now just mere shadows of their former selves, but one can still get a sense, a slight glimpse, of what they once represented.
偉大な禅寺は以前に比べて目立たなくなりましたが 、かつての面影の一面が今でも感じられるに違いありません。
I hope readers will be able to gain an appreciation of the beauty of some of these temples through the photographs as well," he says.
これらのお寺の美しさを写真からも読者が感じてくれれば と思います」。
Readers can purchase "Zen and Kyoto" at large Japanese bookstores, including Maruzen and Kinokuniya. Published by Uniplan Co., Inc.
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