During the 1980’s,
Japan’s economy was very strong and people got caught up in acquiring luxurious
items in order to enrich their lives.
1980年代、日本の経済はたいへん強く、国民は豊かな生活を楽しむ ためにぜいたくな商品を手に入れること
Under Japanese companies’
lifetime-employment management system, coupled with a seniority-reward system,
employees lived stable lives, battling as Japanese corporate warriors.
However, later on, that
management style, which had supported Japan’s robust economy, couldn’t function
as effectively due to both the bursting of the bubble economy, and
In 1992, Japan was ranked
first in the World Competitiveness Yearbook of the IMD (International Institute
for Management Development), but dropped to 27th in 2010 (6th in the World
Economic Forum).
On the other hand, when
local governments suffering under the burden of the Great East Japan Earthquake
called on volunteers for help, the response was overwhelming.
This indicates that
Japanese values regarding work are changing.
これは、労働に関する日本人の意識が変わりつつあることを示して います。
The tendency to place
more importance on worker satisfaction rather than on merely making money has already
been underway for some years.
The results of a 2007
survey about working and living conditions, conducted by the Japan Institute
for Labor Policy and Training, showed the support for lifetime-employment at 86.1%.
Additionally, the number
of people who supported a more equal society with a smaller gap between the
rich and the poor was greater than those who supported a freely competitive
society that rewards a person’s drive and talent.
また、 貧富の差が少ない平等社会を支持する人が、意欲や能力に応じて自由に競争できる社会を支持する人を上回りました。
In terms of lifestyle
choice, those who want to live their own way rather than seeking wealth and
status, and those who place more importance on living spiritually rather than
materialistically rich lives, exceeded 80% respectively (multiple replies).
生活意識について は、富や地位を求めてがんばるより、自分の納得いく生活を送りたいと望む人、また物質的な豊かさよりも、心に豊かさのある生活をすること
This indicates that the
Japanese are no longer interested in a competition based society.
Although Japan’s income
gap continues to widen, nearly 90% of respondents said that they belong to the middle
Today many young men,
some of who are often referred to as soushoku (herbivorous),
show less interest in cars and overseas travel.
Instead of spending
money, they are apt to save for their future while enjoying life within their
Before the Second World
War, Japan was occupied with building a strong nation and people did not
hesitate to sacrifice their lives for it.
After the war, people
found their purpose in working hard for their company, helping the country
become an economic power.
戦後は 企業の下で ひたすら働くことに意義を見いだし、日本が経済大国となる役割を果たしました。
Now that the country’s
economic power is fading due to increased globalization, Japanese values are
drastically changing yet again.
グローバル化が進む中で経済力が薄れてきた今、日本人の価値観に再び大きな変化が起きつつ あります。
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