
The Economy 経済

                                     (From NHK's book series ギフト~E名言の世界)
My greatest challenge has been to change the mindset of people.  Mindsets play strange tricks on us.  We see things the way our minds have instructed our eyes to see.

Most of economies can be summarized in four words: “People respond to incentives.”

One must not forget that in creating wealth on should feel motivated at all times to repay a debt of gratitude to society and to do one’s best for it as a moral obligation.

Economics is all about how people make choices.
 経済学はすなわち、人々がどう選択するかだ (ジェームズ・デューゼンベリー)

Being satisfied with little money… that’s also a talent.
わずかなお金で満足できることーーーそれもひとつの才能だ。 (ジュール・ルナール)

We are becoming the servants in thought, as in action, of the machine we have created to serve us.
今や人間は自分の召し使いとして生み出した仕組みの召使いである。思考も、行動も。 (ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイス)

The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.

Commerce should bring equal joy to both buyer and seller.

Political Economy or Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.

Being rich does not mean having lots of money, but having an amount you consider enough.  Being poor is not lacking money, but considering what you have not enough.

Economic distress will teach men, if anything can, that realities are less dangerous than fancies, that fact-finding is more effective than fault-finding.

There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.

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