Mothers’ Grassroots Movement Moved the Great Nations
大国を動かした母親たちの草の根 運動
大国を動かした母親たちの草の根 運動
People around the world were shocked as level 7 radiation leaks at the Fukushima nuclear power plant were reported following the Great East Japan Earthquake.
東日本大震災の後に福島原子力発電所でレベル7の放射能漏れ が報道され、世界中の人が衝撃を受けました。
Many may even believe that the Fukushima accident is Japan’s third such nuclear disaster, following those of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But in fact, there was another unfortunate nuclear accident in which Japan was forcibly involved in.
しかし実際には、日本が巻き込まれたもう一つの不幸な核事故が あります。
That started on March 1, 1954.
On that day, 23 crew members of the Japanese tuna boat Daigo Fukuryu Maru were fishing near the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
その日、日本のマグロ漁船、第五福竜丸の乗組員23名は太平洋のマーシャル諸島近くで魚をとって いました。
From a distance they saw the sky suddenly light up.
突然遠くの空が明るくなる のを目にします。
Soon after, white, flaky coral dust fell over the ship for three hours.
Upon the boat’s return to the port of Yaizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, it became apparent that they had been exposed to radiation, and this created a big fuss.
漁船が静岡県の焼津港に戻ってくる と、乗組員が被ばく していた ことが 明らか になり大騒ぎとなります。
This particular incident was the result of an American hydrogen bomb test.
At that time, during the Cold War era, both the USA and the Soviet Union were repeatedly conducting thermonuclear experiments.
当時は東西冷戦の時代で、アメリカとソ連は核実験を繰り返し行って いました。
Even though Japan continued to suffer from the USA’s testing they had no choice but to support their efforts.
アメリカの実験で日本が被害を受けても、日本は実験を支持するしか ありませんでした。
It was 9 years since the end of the Pacific War, and although their occupation was over, Japan became a US ally.
太平洋戦争が終って から9年、占領は 終わった ものの日本はアメリカ の同盟国になって いた からです
Before long, radiation fell on Japan.
It measured from 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than present-day average global contamination levels.
それは現在の平均汚染レベル より1万倍から10万倍強いものでした。
Fish disappeared from Japan’s dinner tables as the deadly radioactive fallout continued.
In response, a petition campaign against the nuclear bomb test, and the manufacturing and use of atomic weapons, started among Japanese housewives who were just seeking a safe and normal life.
Many Japanese wives got actively involved, collectively stating that “keeping silent meant ‘agreeing’ to atomic and hydrogen bombs.”
Their petition campaign spread across Japan.
At that time, they discovered that many Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors still suffered from residual effects.
その頃、多くの広島、長崎の被ばく者が いまだ後遺症で苦しんで いることを主婦たちは知りました。
Then six months later, the boat’s chief radioman Aikichi Kuboyama died.
With Kuboyama’s death the grief and anger of Japanese mothers deepened, fueling the petition’s growth.
On August 6th of the following year, the first World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs was held in Hiroshima.
At that time the total number of collected signatures numbered over 32 million, half of Japan’s adult population.
そのとき集まった署名数は、3,200万を超え、成人日本人の半数に 達しました。
Globally, the petition was eventually signed by 670 million people.
In 1963, the Partial Test Ban Treaty was signed by the USA, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.
1963年、アメリカ、ソ連、イギリス による部分的核実験禁止条約が結ばれました。
Dr. Albert Einstein purportedly once said that atomic bombs are easier to manufacture than they are to stop using.
アインシュタイン博士はかつて、「原爆は造ることより、やめる方がむずかしい」と言ったと伝えられて います。
However, these women of Japan, who had suffered from such radiation, helped mobilize great nations while putting their stamp on the fight against nuclear armaments.
With Kuboyama’s death the grief and anger of Japanese mothers deepened, fueling the petition’s growth.
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