
Do you Know the Real Purpose of Police Patrols? 警察の取締りの本当の目的を知っていますか

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Many people go on holiday during summer vacation.


This year I was heading off by car to a resort with my family.
今年私はある観光地へ家族と車で出かけ ました。

As the highway was congested, we drove on the regular road.

Traffic was flowing smoothly, and our car went along with the flow. 

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a motorcycle policeman’s siren coming from behind.

Since I was driving at around 40 kmph, which was the speed limit on that road, I presumed our car was not being targeted.
私はその道路の制限速度である40キロぐらいで運転していたので私たちの車は対象では ないと思いました。

I slowed down and gave way.

However, the motorcycle policeman cut in front of our car and held up his hand to indicate that we should stop.
ところが、 白バイは私たちの車の前に回り込み、止まるように手をあげました。

The policeman said, “You were over the speed limit.”

I replied, “I was not.”

Then he pointed out a sign near to the spot where he’d switched on his siren and said, “Couldn’t you see the sign?”
すると、警官はサイレンを鳴らした場所近くの標識を指差し、「あの標識が見えませんでした か」と言いました。

I walked back to the sign with the policeman, where I saw that the speed limit read, “30km.”
警官と標識まで歩くと、そこには速度制限が30キロと書かれて いました。

He caught me just after I had passed the sign.

Any other driver would have been easily trapped.

I was dissatisfied and later told this story to my friend, who’s a car dealer. He told me an interesting story.

“One time, the police were planning to secretly conduct checks on vehicles, but a local radio station discovered their scheme and made the details public.

The police got angry and protested.

However, the radio station countered by saying, ‘What’s more important? Catching traffic violations or avoiding traffic accidents?’”
しかしラジオ局は、『交通違反を捕まえるのと、交通事故を避けるのと、どちらが大切なんです か』、と反論したんです」。

He said that in the end, the police agreed with the radio station’s logic: people drive safely if they know police will be patrolling.

Then he continued, “The police do not investigate dangerous vehicles, but get fines from the blind spots innocent drivers easily miss.
そして、友人はこう続けました。「警察は、危険な車を取り締まって いるのでは なく、ドライバー が違反しやすい場所で罰金を稼いでいるんです」。

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